where have i been?
It’s been a while since I’ve done much with this place besides the occasional upload to the Art Gallery or odd layout tweak here and there. So why is that?
Sisko says Hello! He loves to take up all my free time but I love him.
Honestly I have been so busy that I’ve barely been able to have any time to myself. From the constant work on commissions and owed Patreon art, convention in May, decorating the house, big garden projects, ongoing therapy and of course training my dog, Sisko, there always seems to be something going on! I’m happy with how everything is progressing but I do miss being able to work on personal art or dabbling in passion projects, including finishing off this site.
Speaking of which I do still fully intend to work on currently vacant pages like the CHARACTERS and WORLD MAP, I just need to draw all-new art for these and craft the lore & bio text alongside the design of these hopefully interesting, fun pages!
A final note is that I’ll be moving house around the New Year, from Canterbury to Nottingham - it’s a big move but after 10 years in Kent I’m wanting a fresh start and Nottingham just happens to be where a huge chunk of my friends are. It does mean even MORE things for me to focus on like house-hunting, returning my current home to how it originally was and the move itself but things should be a lot smoother once I’m moved in and able to continue working on the Enigma-Hyena Art site and brand itself (I hear people like stickers, pins and shirts… ;D).
Thanks for reading, until next time!