Life update

Hey all!

It's been a while since the last update here - I have been stupidly busy. Between trying to get some therapy arranged, my housing situation changing (that's sorted now though!), working on commissions & Patreon rewards, as well as a recent fluffy development it's safe to say I’ve had my hands full!

Now, what do I mean by “fluffy development”? Well…

Meet Sisko! I brought this adorable little black and white border collie home the other day, he’s only 11 weeks old but already has so much personality and is really adventurous. I'm so happy to have such a sweet lil’ pup in my life! 💙

As for my website, I’m still working on art for pages like the World Map and Character Bios so keep an eye out for those in the near future.

Thanks for reading, see you in the next one!



where have i been?

